Tuesday, October 23, 2007


If we live in our fears and let them rule us, it proves we have no faith in God. When we let go of our fears, we put our faith in God to make a way for us where there seems to be no way. God does not promise the transition will be smooth, or easy. Fear saps our energy and distorts our perception of reality. Fear makes us vulnerable. Fear is never our friend. Fear causes pain and torment. When "perfect love of God casts out fear," freedom and release are overwhelming. It's not bad to fear, but it's a shame to live in fear. God has given us a tremendous solution. If we rely upon Him, we have freedom from fear.

There are only two kinds of events in our lives, those we can do something about and those we cannot. If we can do something, then do it. Otherwise it is a waste of a good moment to worry about it and if you are afraid you cannot live the life to its fullest.
The experience of love of God is an inner state. When this is present, you are happy, alive and free. You feel good about yourself and good about life. As you bring the experience of love of God into your life, life works effortlessly and great things happen. The opposite of love is fear and upset. When this is present, you close down inside. You lose your creativity and your ability to see clearly. You get tunnel vision and you interact in a way that almost always makes your situation worse.
Whether you live in a state of love or a state of upset depends, not on your circumstances, but on how you relate to your circumstances by a negative or positive attitude. To live in the experience of love, and to create a life that works, you need to stop the fighting and resisting. You do this through a process called "letting go."
Letting go is the inner action that releases the fear and upset. The moment you let go, everything seems to change. With the fear and upset gone, you see your situation very differently. You become creative and discover solutions that you could never have seen before. To let go, you need to do the opposite of fighting and resisting. You need to let go of your demands and expectations for how life should be and make peace with the way life is.
Write your fears out in a journal. By writing these thoughts down these are no longer a part of you. After writing out your fears then answer several questions:

>What can I learn from this fear?
>What can I change?
>What can I surrender?
>What are five blessings in my life?
By answering these questions you have shifted your perspective from one of fear to one of insight and gratitude. This strategy is very powerful in releasing fear.
Prayer is a wonderful way to shift your intention and connect to your source of peace and "When you know who walks beside you every step of the way you will no longer need to fear." When you are experiencing a fearful thought, simply acknowledge that thought and shift it to a prayer. One very powerful prayer from the 12 Step Program is the Serenity Prayer.
Meditation is the ability to quiet down the mind, body and spirit. A simple way to begin is to find a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed. Lie down or sit in a chair. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through your nose and feel the breath travel down into your belly. Hold the breath for several seconds and exhale through your mouth. Repeat this 3 times. Then begin counting backwards from 10 to 1. After you are in this relaxed state, imagine yourself blowing up a balloon, placing all of your fears in the balloon, and then releases your fear-filled balloon to the universe. Once you have released your fear, visualize the highest outcome for any situation you are fearful of.
Spend time in nature
Nature has a wonderfully calming effect on the body, mind, and spirit. Take time when you are fearful to visit the beach, a forest, or the mountains.
Listen to beautiful music
Listen to whatever music soothes your soul. This could be New Age, Classical, Jazz, or Nature Sounds.
Read uplifting inspiring books
When you are experiencing fearful thoughts find inspiration in books of poetry, spirituality, personal growth and motivation.
Seek out positive people
If your friends are as fearful as you are they probably are not the people you should be associating with right now. Houses of worship, bookstores, and community centers often have social groups with uplifting members.
If you are still experiencing fear after implementing these strategies seek professional help
Spiritual counselors, life coaches, and behavioral psychologists are professionals that can empower you with tools to help you let go of your fear.
Savor every moment in your life
Perhaps this is the most important element in eliminating fear. None of us know what our fate is but what we do know are the gifts that are present in our lives at this moment. Every day make time to hug your children, cuddle with your partner, tell the people in your life that you love them, watch a sunset, listen to the birds singing, and give thanks for every breath that you take.
Although we are living in evolving times, the power of our thoughts, intentions, and actions can greatly affect the outcome of our lives. By implementing some of these strategies you can learn to let go of fear and begin to live your life fully again.

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