Tuesday, October 23, 2007


A high percentage of the interference in our higher self-purposes is caused by ego, which being the lower self is veiling over the Universal Higher self or Higher Power/God. So, we must "let go of our ego" if we are to understand who we really are.

It could be the conscious and unconscious "personality" who we often consider ourselves to be -- the set of experiences, expectations, and little voices in our head that we hear that often put down our ideas or challenge us to be who we aspire to be.

The ego is also that force which causes us to care about being better than everyone else. This is our competitive nature. This can be a healthy driving force; however, it may also cause problems. In general, competition destroys creation and invites doubt when we fail.

Ego may be responsible as the cause of the following:

1. Overly competitive nature, wanting to destroy or judge others.
2. Putting ourselves first, rather than others.
3. Taking, rather than giving and serving.
4. Self-puffery, believing we're greater than we are.
5. Self-doubt, believing we're less than we are.
6. Living by circumstance, rather than faith.
7. Losing the attitude of gratitude - expecting everyone to give us everything.
8. Belief in negativity - creating fear, uncertainty, and doubt’

This gives some keen insights into the process of liberation-how we can free ourselves, and how by not realizing that we can get stuck endlessly in stories of suffering. "You may receive endless teachings on compassion and good heart, but how can they touch you when underneath you are as tough as a block of wood?"
“Sobriety cannot be obtained without contemplation, deliberation and reflection on the massage.”
We don't know how to take inspiration and realization with us into our everyday lives. We may follow the teachings and understand on an intellectual level, but we don't really integrate them into our being. Instead, we compromise and let EGO have its way.
“Faith With out works is dead”
When ego is in control, your life becomes a mess, because 'you' are not you. Our real self, our true nature, is to work for the benefit of all sentient beings. We work for our own interest, which limits us, makes us small-minded and territorial.

What pride should we take in this body and wealth? We waste so much time, trying to be what we are not, asking too many questions, and thinking things, which take us away from our true selves. The whole point is to become yourself-your real self, without all sorts of complicated thoughts, concepts and ideas. You let go of the tight thing in you, the self-grasping, and reconnect with your true, sky-like nature. Then you can completely transcend all your limitations.

When you let go, it is wonderful. You experience the bliss of being free. Then you see how much fun it is-and how much healthier it is-not to have an ego. The more you are able to embody what you realize, to bring that into your everyday life and make it part of you, the freer you are. Then you can love everybody, and work fearlessly for the benefit of all beings, because you are beyond hope and fear.

"We need to balance the need to do (ego) with the need to be (Spirit). In the balance, soul exists. The key to living is to have both Spirit and our human nature equally present in our consciousness. When selfishness and conceit are erased, peace comes, and the mind and body are healed.

Being able to see the light and truth of the conscious and sub-conscious enables you to free your ego to live a balanced life. Letting go of your ego takes conscious effort and it never ends. Your ego is very powerful and can send you on a wild goose chase at the most inopportune times. When the need for flexibility presents itself, the last thing you want blocking you is your ego. Your heart tells you one thing, the ego insists on the opposite. There you are left standing at the crossroad not knowing which path to take.

So what now? Do you go with what your heart is telling you or do you listen to your ego telling you exactly what it thinks are best for you? This can be a moment when you do not want to be held back; do you throw caution to the wind and do what your heart tells you? The ego is the number one roadblock along the life path. How do you control the ego and leave yourself intact?

The ego is relentless! The ego you were born with takes on many new roles as you approach adulthood. Egos are very opinionated aspects of the personality. Everyone has one! Realizing this is the first step in knowing that you can take what you want and leave the rest. You can do the same with other people's egos or opinions. However, the ego does not give up easily. It cannot relate to love or its existence. Ego based living is living out the opinions of your ego without so much as caring what or how it impacts your life or the lives of others. It is letting the ego create imbalance by controlling you. Egos invade others space and as a result set you up for a lot of heartache. The key is to get ego to relate to the spirit. Is this easy? NO, for the ego never likes being out of control.
There are great aspects to the ego; it has its good points, it is God-given at birth. The ego that you were blessed with was to guide you along your path on earth. It was God's way of letting you know that you are not expected to do life all alone. The ego given was a great re-enforcer of self. It provided you with all the tools necessary to grow and balance life while learning to walk. It enhanced yourself-esteem. Where in the world along this path did it take on different personalities and become so over powering?

As you grew so did your ego. Each day the ego grew stronger and picked up one more traits on how to control you. It grew enormously and unless you knew then to remain in control of your ego instead of vice versa; it came to over power you as an adult. However, it's never too late to take your power back!

The ego takes on many forms.
1. The power ego. It loves nothing more than to ma1ce you one of power over others. Knowing this ego is controlling you have to apply the strength that power ego gives you in a way that you do not hurt others as a result.
2. The superior ego. It's really easy for it to convince you that you are superior to others and your skills are more important than that of your friends, family, and co-workers.
3. The defensive ego. This one keeps you so contained that it's hard for you to accept the guidance and lessons others offer.
4. The stubborn ego. It can keep the real you imprisoned. It backs up the defense ego perfectly by disallowing you to admit you are wrong and others are right. It blocks acknowledgement that prevents growth.
5. The meddling ego. This one takes on power to actually let you believe you know what is best for others. It tells you there isn't a need to ask if others need or want your opinion, it goes blasting in. These were just a few examples of egotism. There are many more forms of ego that make you blind to all of the love that life holds for you. The ego was given to serve you not control you. Take back the power you have unconsciously endowed to your ego. While the ego will always remain a strong part of who you are, it is time to let go of the ego to free yourself and begin living a life of conscious change and loving. You have to learn to give up all old ideas of how things should or should not be. "If you could be eliminated, you would have it all" Of course, it means "ego deflation in depth."

The continued practice of the message in AGGS has eliminated the old clawing, clinging, scrapping, unloving and unlovable ME, and given me a loving I AM. As time progresses we find we learn best by teaching. This is the basis of the truism that "When the student is ready, the teacher appears, when the teacher is ready, the student appears." We are all learners and we are all teachers. I was constantly defending my ego-image of SELF. It wasn't until some time, I started practicing the guidance to the best of my ability that I began to realize that my ego defense walls came down, life got a lot better. From this it came that the best defense in all situations was defenselessness. In this context, it always stands for losing only the unfruitful part of the self, our defects of character. It leaves intact all those vital functions that help us manage situations in real life. Consistent application of the teachings of 12 step program, and in particular the daily review of my life (Step 10), looks a marvelous agency of personal change. It contributes a distinctive, fourfold, creative encounter that shapes the process of change.
First it provides a setting of rigorous honesty that soon exposes how much we have been distorted by the I-Me-Mine complex.

Crying out, "Mine! Mine!” they have departed, but their bodies, their wealth, and their wives did not go with them. My and I has to be replaced with we.
Second, as review each day in meditation, our own insight then disclose how insubstantial and lacking in continuity these distortions really are.
Third, as we interact with other fellows, it provides ways to work off these dysfunctions in daily life practice.
And fourth, it provides a setting among us that is intrinsically so much more appealing than the life we had been leading, that the awakened spirit is more actualized, buoyant, and compassionate.
Where did the hitherto partisan self of the Me generation go? It seems like a return toward one's original state in the eternal scheme of things.
Why so few persons have ever become perfectly evolved, selfless beings? This involves a glacially slow process of unlearning and personal restructuring. In the beginning, it turns out, that first simply learning how to unlearn. Then the receptive process of relearning opens up. As it unfolds on its own, it seems to reconnect the person with what are now new and vital relationships. Yet, they are the ones that have always been there.

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