Monday, December 21, 2009


While you’re thinking about getting rid of your faults and flaws, you should also be concentrating of developing positive traits. To make them a part of you is to practice them. e.g.
  • Smile at the check out counter in the supermarket.
  • Say “Good morning” to the bus driver.
  • Don’t explode if your children muddy the carpet.
  • Greet your late arriving spouse with a joke rather than a nasty epithet. (Egg head).

The more you try to be pleasant, the more you think positively rather than negatively. The more you turn to humor instead of anger, the more natural such behavior will become. If you continue to act like a really nice person, before you know it you will be one.

Step 10 in AA says that you should take a personal inventory daily. The kind of honest tally of events and feelings allows you to analyze your actions after the emotions of the moment have subsided.


Ask your self the following questions as you look back on each day:

*Did I have a plan for the day, and did I follow it?
*With whom did I spend most of the time?
*Where did I spend most of the time?
*What was the quality of the judgments I made?
*Did any thing threaten my sobriety today? What?
*What specific work did I do on my AA program (attending meetings, doing meditation, reading AA material etc.)?
*Did I feel my attitude toward recovery was constructive today?
*Was I honest in all my dealings?
*Have I been fair in all my interaction with others? Were there situations today where I was a wrong or unreasonable? Did I make amends?
*What good things happened? How did I react to them?
*Did any bad things happen? What were they? How did I react?
*What do I feel I have accomplished this day? What would I have liked to do that I did not do? What would I have done differently?


1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

In short banish pride, worldly love, and envy. Bear not ill- will to others, so shall others bear not ill will to you. Walk humbly and speak civilly to all. Share your food with others and live by honest labor.

There is a friendship between beauty and love, alliance between hunger and dainty viands; companionship between greed and wealth, between sleepy men and a bed and coverlet. The anger, which barketh is despised and with out the Name mouth is defiled.

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