Monday, December 21, 2009



It is defined as an excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves. The origins of greed are not mysterious. Greed is not a rational force.

It is the greatest and worst attachment by human beings under its spell. The men are thus wandering around under its control, running in all the ten directions in dissatisfaction and disgust being engulfed by various vicious thoughts. Being under the control of greed, this human being does not care about the friends, teachers, parents like a shameless creature. They enact the actions, which are not performed by human beings, under its spell.

The positive role of greed is egotism and negative is voracity. It is caused by fear of not having enough of a particular thing, such as money, food, sex, or attention.

Greed is sudden and spectacular and it demolishes equity. You cannot have unrestrained greed and equality. All the wealth and inequalities are not caused by greed but if you start with a society of complete equals, unrestrained greed will be sufficient to quickly render the society unequal. So it is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is harmful to the society, as their motives often appear to disregard the welfare of others.

It is something that every one has and some times some people want more than others. The real primary diseases of man are such defects as pride, cruelty, hates, passions, lies, social institutions, justice, glory, heroism, religion, self-love, ignorance, instability and greed; and each of these, if considered, will be found to be adverse to Unity and human suffering. From top to bottom of the ladder, greed is aroused without knowing where to find ultimate foothold. Nothing can calm it, since its goal is far beyond all it can attain. Reality seems valueless by comparison with the dreams of fevered imaginations; reality is therefore abandoned. There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.

Three Qualities of Maya;

There are three qualities of Maya that are interconnected, interrelated and interdependent with the three vital forces of the body. These are sativa, rajas and tamas. Sativa includes equilibrium, goodness, truth, compassion, stillness and peace, Rajas includes thinking, planning and taking decisions. Tamas includes greed, anger, jealousy, and laziness. It creates doubt and emotional attachment to MAYA.

The Human being has to suffer and face degradation and disgrace at the end due to his wasteful behavior in enjoying worldly pleasures, as all his tasks performed while engrossed in vicious and sinful actions have become useless. Instead of getting any benefit from his life, full of greed and worldly attachments, having forsaken the support of Higher Power, the individual spends this human life in wasteful efforts thus loosing his capital investment even. Thus as a result of his own actions and misdeeds he has to face the punishment as consequences.

The fellow who has perceived a glimpse of spiritual experience with burning the filth of the vices of egoism, worldly attachments and greed through the Higher Power in the company of 12 step fellowship is on the way to recovery from this fatal disease.

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