Monday, December 21, 2009



The weaknesses of the alcoholic can become an asset by facing, examining and following the Absolutes Principle/Laws of Mother Nature, which is the source of spiritual growth and will lead one to abundant and joyous life of spirituality with mental and physical health.

The fullness of the reality of Mother Nature is infinite and inclusive. The all-pervading field of God is consciously, and simultaneously presents everywhere. All worlds, creatures, and beings exist in God.

Whenever you feel alone or in need of anything, think or speak these words: Here and now, God is. God is around me as a vibrant, living presence and as me at my innermost level of being. God is the reality and substance of everything I see, touch, and relate to moment-to-moment.
We are inclined to supplicate God. This is a natural, human Conscious approach, and starting at this level of need for higher understanding is a good beginning. It reflects our humility, our recognition of the fact that our egocentric view of self in relationship to life is inadequate to enable us to be entirely self-sufficient or truly happy. It is evidence of our honesty; that we are admitting to ourselves that we, as mind-body creatures, are insignificant in comparison to the cosmos and to God's omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. Our acknowledgement of the superficiality and meaningless of our self-conscious lives is thus a beginning of the end of our denial of spiritual Selfhood and God.

To say that God is present at some places but not others is to affirm an untruth. Likewise, to say that God cares" for some people or circumstances more than others, is to reveal our lack of understanding about the real nature of God. God, being wholeness, is not capable of concern or disinterest: attitudes, which only have relevance to a mind, confused by beliefs of duality.

As we become familiar with progressive spiritual growth episodes that occur, we become increasingly aware that our self-disciplined behaviors are for the purpose of removing self-centered attitudes and actions from the playing field of our lives so that grace can have its way. Grace is the natural unfoldment of life to support its own purposes and actions, in which we participate when we are in tune with the Infinite. It is advised that a spiritual aspirant should learn to live in harmony with Mother Nature. He should choose states of consciousness, mental attitudes, thoughts, emotions, relationships, environmental circumstances, life-purpose, and actions which contribute to increasing the influences of the qualities which nurture total spiritual growth. Everything that is debilitating or creates stress and conflict should be avoided. An unpleasant truth is that many people who aspire to spiritual growth are approaching the project with the same self-defeating attitudes and behaviors, which are already contributing to the problems that burden, their lives. Once sufficient right knowledge (Tools provided by this program) is acquired and if used effectively, personal accomplishment and spiritual growth rapidly follow.

How and Why the Mother Nature is Able to Meet Our Every Need? It is God's manifesting energy-conscious ness, which is self-complete and self-referring. Its energy and substance does not increase or decrease: it undergoes transformational changes. Being complete within itself, it can only refer to itself.

How does this process work? It works on two levels. First, when we are in harmony with life's processes, we live more effectively and are able to accomplish our purposes efficiently. Second, when we are established in serenity, anything that disturbs it draws a response from Cosmic Mind and Mother Nature meets the need so that we can be restored to peace. It matters not what the circumstances are that disturb our spiritual tranquility, whatever it is that causes our serenity to be disturbed Mother Nature will move to meet our needs and restore us to realization of wholeness.

Remember the benevolent Higher Power that nourishes the universe, including you, and one must learn to cooperate with it by being open to life, by doing the following:

• Have the courage to live by accepting the fact that living can be natural, spontaneous, and enjoyable.
• Serve the cause of evolution by being friendly with a friendly universe and care for, and nurture, Planet Earth.
• Make wise choices by being appreciative of the blessings of life.
• Actualize your compassion by serving others---step 12 and solving all problems with spiritual understanding-step 3.
• Do the things you should do and renounce behaviors that are not worthy of you and be you’re real Self and follow your soul happiness.
• Don't pretend to be a victim? You are a spiritual being, innately endowed with limitless capacities. And cultivate the virtues and subjugate lower instincts.
• Educate yourself and be as knowledgeable and functional as you can be and pray and meditate every day step 11.
• Choose a lifestyle which is supportive of your worthy purposes and spiritual aspirations by abiding the ways of righteousness.
• Wake up, grow up, do your duties, and flow in harmony with the rhythms of the Mother Nature by being thankful with an attitude of gratitude and live consciously in the Infinite.

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