Monday, December 21, 2009


Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon AA unity.

This tradition guards the individual’s right to think, talk and act as he wishes. No AA can compel another to do anything; no body can be punished or expelled and they’re by this tradition guarantee AA’s unity.

AA fellow should ask himself following questions regarding its unity:

1. Am I in my group a healing, mending, integrating person, or divisive? What about gossip and taking other members’ inventories?
2. Am I a peacemaker, pious or argumentative?
3. Am I gentle or abrasive with others?
4. Do I make comparing or contrasting remarks of one group with another?
5. Do I put down some AA activities as if I were superior for not participating in this or that?
6. Am I informed about AA as a whole? Do I support, AA as a whole, or the parts I approve and understand?
7. Am I as considerate of AA members as I want them to be of me?
8. Do I spout platitudes about love while indulging in and secretly justifying behavior that bristles with hostility?
9. Do I go to enough AA meetings or read enough AA literature?
10. Do I share with AA all of the bad, the good, accepting, and giving the help to fellows?

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