Monday, December 21, 2009


AA is the only program based on spirituality. The other programs like Rational Recovery and Secular Organizations for recovery are non-spiritual, preaching of total abstinence. Instead of higher power they depend on will power.

Acts of compassion, selflessness, altruism, and the experience of inner peace are all the characteristics of spirituality. It is what we do with our desires, longings, and restlessness. It is the art of making life a sacred adventure. It is being of the spirit. It is a devotion to the metaphysical matters and activities, which renew lift up, comfort, heal, and inspire others and us with whom we interact. It is the development of True Divine being to the point that one’s spirit is developed to the Holy Spirit of God. The highest spiritual achievement ever made.

There is only One Creator, who created the world. He is the Cause of causes, the Generous Lord. He showers His Grace and Mercy upon us.

True spirituality is achieved by means of scientifically applying teachings that allow ego to vanish in the fire of Divine love. The purpose of developing our spirituality is to be free of spiritual ignorance, free of selfish or destructive behavioral patterns. The original intentions of religions were to promote and teach true spirituality among all but they turned themselves to become organized, institutionalized and controlling people. Development of true spirituality is free from any church or religion. God is the Holy Spirit and has no religion. There is only one religion of Dharma (right conduct/cosmic order or law); let everyone grasp this truth.

The spirit is one part of the triad forming reality. The others are mentality (being of the mind) and sensuality (being of senses and body). These three together create reality. To achieve harmony a delicate balance must be maintained with contentment in the unity with the universe. Spirit is the non-physical aspect of existence. Mind is a bridge between spirit and body. Spirituality was the domain of religion but lately science has developed with close alignment.

In recent years, “spirituality” has often carried connotations of the believer’s faith being more personal, less dogmatic, more open to new ideas and myriad influences, and more pluralistic than the faiths of established religions. Those speaking of “spirituality” rather than “religion” are apt to believe that there are many “spiritual paths” and that there is no objective truth about which is the best to follow. On the other hand there are many adherents of orthodox religions who consider spirituality to be an aspect of their religious experience, and they are more likely to contrast spirituality with secular “worldliness” than with the ritual expression of the religion. Others of a more new age disposition hold that spirituality is not a religion per se, but the active and vital connection to a force, power, or sense of the deep self. Some proponents of spirituality believe that the goal of “being spiritual” is to simultaneously improve one’s wisdom, and communion with God/universe, which necessitates the removal of illusion, of feeling and thinking at the sensory aspect of a person.
But if he eliminates his self-conceit and then performs service, he shall grow spiritually.
Other spiritual proponents point out that spirituality is a two-stroke process. The upward stroke relates to inner growth and the downward stroke relates towards manifesting improvements in the world/reality around us as a result of the inward change.

The rule of thumb when evaluating any spiritual approach is that six months of diligent, proper practice should manifest noticeable improvement in one’s life. If not, then the usual advice is to pick another approach that is more likely to assist you in achieving your specific goals.
The spirit or psyche is a multidimensional aspect of “consciousness” most commonly thought of as being composed of the “subconscious” and “super conscious”. Thus, to humans, the psyche is considered to be those portions of the self other than the ego. If the Lord grants His Grace, one acts according to the Teachings of the Word ego is erased.

However, traditional definition of the psyche is limited by our lack of experience in utilizing the psyche as an integral, involved segment of acknowledged experience. Laws of space and time do not bind the psyche, although it is capable of having experience within space-time dimensions. At its deeper levels, such as the subconscious level, the psyche expands out into a gracious communion of cooperative venture with all consciousness. Therefore, the individual who learns the art of communicating with the psyche enhances the ability to tap into universal knowledge that is both specifically life altering and of great import universally.

The universal psyche is comprised of all of the living, self-aware forms of consciousness in existence within all realms of experience. The individual psyche is the you, that recognize at this given time as you are focused in on the singular signal or frequency that represents your current life. The ego is a portion of the psyche, its physical face but the psyche is composition in its entirety encompasses literally unlimited realms of knowledge and creativity.

Spiritually pertinent wisdom and knowledge reside within the psyche, sitting in wait for the individual to stir into action and learn the language of the psyche.

By altering the patterned performance of the conscious mind, the ego is gradually introduced to unfamiliar neurological messages that reside within the psyche. The stance of the individual shifts in its relationship, to space and time. Perceptions heighten. Alternate flows of powerful and pertinent knowledge and creativity results, and the mind elevates to a new level of intellectual/intuitive functioning.

The sponsor, faith, Truth, and Higher Power are necessary for sobriety. With out teacher there is no spiritual/Divine knowledge. With out faith there is no meditation. With out Truth there is no credit and with out capital no balance. The best act is Philanthropy (desire to help mankind, step 12), with out which human birth is accursed. Alms gifts, penance and sacrifices are not equal to Philanthropy. The worst sin is selfishness.

He who accepts the will of God will benefit greatly. There is no greater penance than patience, no greater happiness than contentment, no greater evil than greed, no greater virtue than mercy, and no potent weapon than forgiveness.

God created egotism and arrogant pride, and placed greed within our beings. Keep me as it pleases Your Will; everyone acts as You cause them to act step (3). Some are forgiven, and some stand and serve You. If, in practicing Faith of 12 step program, one does not achieve any degree of spiritualization and one remains on the level of an animal with a will of its own, he has to let go his own will. The potentiality of this faith is infinite, but it requires great effort and vigilance.

Deferred gratification is the ability to control the immediate satisfying of one’s desires - to wait and work for greater rewards at a time in the future. This requires great strength of character. This is spirituality triumphing over materiality, the angel over the ape. If we get spirituality right, the rest will follow, for it is what animates the soul, illumines the mind and sensitizes the heart of the individual. It is coming closer to God / Personal relationship with God.

Development of Spiritual Progress

Prayer, Meditation, Remembrance of the Word of God, Contentment with the Will of God, Morality, Selflessness, Integrity, Honor, Dignity, Trustworthiness, Restraint, and Deferred gratification of desires lead to spiritual progress. As spiritual awakening begins, motivations inevitably shift from the egocentric toward the desire to serve others. This kind of service is seen as absolutely necessary if the awakening and development are to continue; spiritual growth requires a life of service.

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