Monday, December 21, 2009


The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking.

It really is saying to every serious drinker,” you are an AA member if you say so”.

AA does not cater only to pure and respectable alcoholic. Fear is the true basis for intolerance.

AA fellow should ask himself following questions:

1. In my mind, do I prejudge some new AA members as losers?
2. Is there any alcoholic whom I privately do not want in my AA group?
3. Do I set myself up as a judge, jury and executioner of whether a newcomer is sincere or phony?
4. Do I let language, religion (or the lack of it), race, education, age, or other such things interfere with my carrying the message?
5. Am I over impressed by a celebrity e.g. by a doctor, a clergyman, an ex-convict? Or can I just treat this new member simply and naturally as one sicker human, like the rest of us?
6. When someone turns up at AA, needing information or help, does it really matter to me what he does for a living? Where he lives? What his domestic arrangements are? Whether he has been to AA before? What his other problems are?
7. Do I compel the new comer to pay anything, believe anything or conform to any thing?

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