Monday, December 21, 2009



The ancient pagan Greek philosopher Plato said that the highest power was the Good Itself, that transcendent principle by whose light we could tell the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate. God is, (Truth Itself), which is why people can't get this notion until they get honest with themselves.

Some atheists and agnostics turn the word God into an acronym: G.O.D. short for Good Orderly Direction. "Can you see the difference between putting a little bit of Good Orderly Direction into your life, instead of trying to live life in the totally chaotic, disorganized fashion you are attempting now? They find that, little by little, G.O.D. turned into God, into an actual transcendent personal being that could not only give meaning to their lives, but also act in their life by just trying to live by their conscience.

Deep conscience -- our fundamental internal sense of whether we are acting with love, or instead acting with cruelty or the desire to control or get revenge or to show off what good people we are --will put us on the right path. All human beings have a little spark of knowledge with in about who God is and the difference between right and wrong -- not enough in itself to save the person by itself, but if you could take that little spark and blow on it and feed it with the proper fuel, it could flare up clearly displaying God and his moral principles. Spirituality is defined as the self connected by consciousness to The Higher Power.

Grace of God is an expression of DIVINE benevolence. The fullness of God’s grace is beyond human appreciation, comprehension or full knowledge. It is sought through prayer and devotion. Its descent is the ultimate Divine mystery, and no amount of austerities, no amount of intellectual search or performance or ritual or yogic praxis or any such devices can force it out of God’s hand. Liberation, while earned through devotion and good deeds, comes ultimately through Divine Grace. The riches of Lord’s goodness cannot be expressed in words or by mortal tongue. We can admire the beauty of DIVINE GRACE but cannot really explore its depths. The depth of the riches of his wisdom and knowledge are unreachable. Grace is governed by the Universal, eternal laws of nature, which do not show any partiality.

  • It is given to those who humble themselves in submission to his will. (Step3).
  • As one progresses in spirituality, Grace is lovingly bestowed.
  • One must be a good steward for receiving the gift of Grace, by being steadfast in the over all favor of God-Lest one may fall there from, as are the slips/relapses in the 12 step program.
  • No matter how far we have progressed, desires will always be found which oppose the grace of God. (12/12 P 66)
  • It seems plain that the grace of God will not enter to expel our destructive obsession until and unless we had a fearless admission of our character defects.
Grace of God will not come until we have cleared our wreckage of the past and humbly asked him to remove our character defects of falsehood and develop the virtue of truth Step 7.

God is the only Truth, which we have accepted unconditionally as a blind faith. Lord was the truth before primal times, and is and will be forever. “Truth is above all and above truth is truthful conduct”.

To know the truth really one has to become one with it. To tread the path of truth one had to become that path himself. To know God one had to become one with the Divine himself. God is a spirit and he should be worshiped as a spirit in truth.

Step3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood him. He is all in all and his acts cannot be narrated. What he should or should not do is all his WILL. As in Promises, some are being fulfilled immediately and some slowly and requires developing and learning Patience, which cannot be granted.

Before we ask him humbly, we have to LET GO the ego.

If ego is stilled then is the God’s grace seen. Ego is a chronic disease and its remedy is sincere and honest serenity prayer.

Grace of the God can do for us what we could not do ourselves.

God, in His Mercy, destroys the impurities and limitations of the human ego and bestows upon the individual true knowledge and everlasting serenity. The man when freed from the gravitational pull of the world of corruption becomes weightless and purified with Truth, that is, the Word.

With out proper prayer, humility, wakefulness in the way of God, grace may not come. To attain it takes time and is hard, and yet the result is in God’s hand. It does not come by the calculation of good and bad deeds or the balance of good deeds borne out that we cannot get away from reaping the fruits of our actions in this world, as we are able to make mistakes at every step. But if the Lord benefactor is pleased and pardon us then only one can be blessed by it.

The path to grace is to fall on God’s shelter in humility, which will inspire the inducement to prayer that opens the gateway to grace. The law of Karma, operating under Divine Will could only be transcended through loving devotion and total unconditional surrender.

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