Monday, December 21, 2009



Meditation is simply witnessing your mind without any involvement at all. You do not respond to the sensory input from your five sense organs by neither encouraging thoughts and nor discouraging any thoughts. It is simply being in oneself, witnessing the thoughts and simply being the witness.

• There is no technique involved.
• There are no precautions.
• There is no place or time constraint.
• There is no worry about going wrong.

True meditation is conscious death and mind is trying to go beyond itself. The mind is a continuous stream of thoughts. On continuously observing the mind you will one day find that there is thoughtlessness and no feeling of body. This thoughtlessness itself is a thought, however, now you will clearly see the thoughts emerging from some place. The gap between two thoughts will show you the substratum, also the place all thoughts emerge from. Like peeping through a slit formed by a partially opened door you will see the Kingdom of heaven. You will never be the same. You would have woken up from this life which you believed to be real. There won’t be anyone in you to experience, as you would have become one with the Infinite and True Reality.

Preliminary meditation processes work directly with this fundamental problem of our outer identification that blinds us to the truth of ourselves and to perceptions of higher realities. From the beginning of practice, the mediator learns to sit still and internalize attention, causing awareness to withdraw from sense organs and mental transformations and turn back on itself. It is only when internalized attention flows without disturbance to the chosen focus of concentration or transcendental possibilities that meditation actually occurs. Before this, our endeavors to meditate are preparatory and preliminary.

As meditation progresses, super conscious states become refined. With physical relaxation and internalization of attention, one experiences emotional peace and mental calmness: not as a result of suppression of feelings and thoughts, but as a result of their being quieted.

The meditator, while enjoying an interlude of calm, may wonder if it is a valid super conscious episode. After successive practice sessions, confidence improves and beneficial effects of super conscious experiences are noticed and validated.

During this process, the meditator is fully alert, is not subject to illusions or hallucinations, and can conclude the practice session at will by deciding to do so.

At our innermost level of being, the real Self of us exists in wholesome purity. Here untouched by mundane conditions and transitory events, abides undisturbed peace, pure bliss, flawless knowledge, and limitless awareness of the absolute freedom.

This permanent reality of us can be consciously experienced by the simple, simultaneous acts of acknowledgment and acceptance. When we do this, we are self-realized: established in clear awareness of our real nature as Spiritual beings grounded in an unbounded field of pure consciousness - existence which is not other than us.

In addition to regular meditation practice, it is helpful to adopt lifestyle behaviors that will be supportive of your highest ideals for personal fulfillment and Spiritual enlightenment. By doing this, your every thought, mood, action, and relationship will nurture radiant wellness and functional expression in every aspect of your life.

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