Monday, December 21, 2009



Generally understanding of love is only physical between man and woman, which in my dictionary is “Lust”.

Love is of two kinds:
  1. Divine or spiritual love.
  2. Physical love-parents, siblings, spouse, children, friends, society, and even pets etc.
Divine love results in bondage with the Higher Power, which is necessary for spiritual growth. This universal and apparently inconsistent emotion seems almost incapable of definition.

There is difference between pleasure and happiness so is there between lust and love. Love is long lasting bliss/happiness creating bondage and attachment, while lust and pleasure are for that moment in life like while using.

The word Love is from Old English lufu, connected with Sanskrit lubh, 'to desire' and Latin lubere, 'to please'.

It is a strong feeling of personal affection, care, and desire for the well-being of another. In Greek there are three words for love:

1. These are 'agape' meaning the love of God for people, the love of people for God and the unselfish love of people for others. This type of love is the primary characteristic of God's nature toward people.
2. The second Greek word for love is 'philia' which is friendship or brotherly love.
3. The third Greek word for love is 'eros' meaning erotic love. It is also defined as deep, tender affection, romantic attraction, a sense of oneness, intense desire, infatuation, sexual feelings, emotional attachment, and an enthusiastic predilection, all can be called love.

Can you tell the difference?

Between love and infatuation?
Between love and attraction?
Between love and sexual desire?
Between love and friendship?
Between sex and intimacy?
Between a good relationship and one that is only pleasurable?

The meaning of love offers and explains that love is intense, clear, logical, and meaningful of all the relations. It involves three key elements:
  1. Emotions --how we feel about each other?
  2. Ethics --how good or bad we are for each other?
  3. Joys --how much we satisfy or dissatisfy each other?
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things; believes all things; hopes all things; endures all things.

The world is entangled in its own pleasures; no one is for anyone else. The self-willed person is engrossed in the love of worldly pleasures and falsehood, he cannot practice love for Truth. The God Willed persons rid themselves of worldly love of passion through self less service by following the 12th step and helping others. A love-smitten true lover will outright, reject any lucrative offer of any kind in return for love.

You can search through out the entire universe for some one who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection as well as God Itself. God’s nature is to respond to devotional love by love to Its devotees. The Will of the Lord gives the love of devotion and when one is blessed with Its Grace protects the individual from beginning to end.
In 12 step program we are looking for the Love of our Higher Power by taking the steps. You don’t just "take" the Steps. You "study" them. You come to "understand" them. And you endeavor to "apply" them with reflection by working these steps from the heart.

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