Monday, December 21, 2009



He alone is carried across, within whose mind the Higher Power abides, and that alone happens, which is pleasing to Lord’s Will.

(Step 3) “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him.”

This was only a beginning, though if honestly and humbly made, an effect, sometimes a very great one was felt at once. (pg.63)

Willingness, honesty, open mind, and humility are indispensable principles to accept God’s Will. The important key to live under the Will of God is Willingness. It unlocks the door, which then opens itself. Looking through this door, one shall see a pathway with an inscription. This is the way to a Faith That Works. This needs acceptance, which does not mean liking a situation; it is just an acknowledgement of reality and hope that it will pass. This pathway needs affirmative action, that we can cut away the self-will blocking the entry of God in our lives. Faith is necessary but alone it can avail nothing. We can have faith and can still keep God out of our lives. We have to turn our will and lives to the care of God. Thy Will be done.

O, Lord, whatever You do, I accept as good. I have eradicated all egotistical pride from my mind. I offer myself to you, to build me, as You would want me to be, relieve me the bondage of Self, that I may better do Thy Will. Try to meet God in your self, one to one and voicing the affirmation with out reservation.

To every worldly and practical minded, it looks hard and even impossible to live under God’s Will. It just needs a little beginning with the key of willingness. This all sounds mysterious and remote. Self will bolster our lower instincts with egotism and frustrating our spiritual progress. The moment our mental and emotional independence is in question, how differently we behave.

We think that no body can meddle with our personal independence. We are certain that our intelligence backed by will power can rightly control over the inner lives and guarantee its success in the world we live in. But think, how well does it work? Everywhere people seem to suffer from anger, resentments, and ego, and fear, unnecessary arguments that, I am right and you are wrong. It is by circumstances rather than by virtue that we are debating this subject. When we are disturbed about something or someone, it is because we do not understand on a higher level but view it through our personality, which is attached to our need to control things and see ourselves in a positive light. We cannot find serenity when we are at war with someone or with our selves, as our emotional state does not allow us to think straight and pertinent. Nor do we need to beat up others with blame words. We need to concentrate on our part of the situation; what needs to be changed in our way of thinking and having done so, happiness will follow.

Accepting the Will of God, one attains peace, and the darkness of doubt is dispelled. Nothing short of right action can bring the desired result. Our whole trouble has been misuse of the self-willpower. We have tried to bombard our problems with it instead of attempting to bring it in to agreement with God’s intentions for us. God’s Will, will help us conquering the ignorance, pride and intellect. Everything happens according to the Will of the Lord; no one has any say in this at all.

By ourselves, we cannot do anything at all. As it pleases the Lord, He preserves us. O my Dear Lord, every thing is in Your power. I have no power to do any thing at all. As it pleases you, forgive us. You Yourself bless us with soul, body and everything. You Yourself cause us to act. As You issue Your commands, so do we act. With out virtuous deeds one cannot gain any thing useful in spite of running around.

Your higher power cause you to understand, while others, the self-willed, do their deeds and cry out in pain. I cannot describe the glorious greatness of the Lord; I am foolish, thoughtless, lowly, and needs your forgiveness O Lord. I am ignorant, but I have entered Your Sanctuary.
This is not a fatalistic or passive approach to life. We may very well be given seemingly insurmountable obstacles in life in order to learn what we can, by overcoming them. But if we face these obstacles with a basic acceptance, we are much more likely to possess the calmness of mind necessary to see with some clarity the most skillful means of overcoming them. What keeps us constantly struggling with life is the attitude of non-acceptance, of not trusting the basic process of life unfolding. We suffer under the false assumption that the goal of life is to always avoid what we find unpleasant and to try to dwell in constant comfort. We don't really understand that life is nothing personal. It is much bigger than that. We need to learn to trust in and surrender to this impersonal process we tend to think of as "my life.”

Can the question of spirituality ever be divorced from the question of character? It is impossible to be spiritual if one is not a descent person. B.B. is replete with hidden meanings, spiritual secrets and mystical moments that are not really kid stuff. It is a combination of qualities that makes an individual the sort of ethically admirable person he is. It is the settled condition we are in when we are well off in relation to feelings and actions. It is an unconflicted state where emotional response and rational assessment speak with the same voice. The moral law dictates that we need strength provided our faith to fulfill our imperfect duties. It is always better to accept the God’s Will as things happen. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is Mystery and present is a gift and one should learn to live in it with willing acceptance.

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