Monday, December 21, 2009


Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the AA name ought never to be drawn in to public controversy.

AA has become as a solid rock to most of us. It should not be disturbed so that we all must hang together or die and we take for granted our continued unity as a movement. God has bestowed upon us great favors and we are bound together with love and His blessings. Our unity will be the acid test of our worth. Other millions have died in political controversy. This tradition is so powerful that neither the weakness of persons nor the strain and strife of our troubled times can harm AA. We know that it must continue to live or else many of us will surely resume the hopeless journey to oblivion. Save minor growing pains we are at peace among ourselves. May God grant us the wisdom and fortitude ever to sustain an unbreakable unity?

AA fellows should ask the followings questions to themselves:

1. Do I ever give the impression that there really is an AA opinion on Ant abuse, Tranquilizers or doctors, hospitals, legalizing marijuana, federal or state government etc.?
2. Can I honestly share my own personal experience concerning any of those with out giving an impression I am giving the AA opinion?
3. What in AA history gave rise to tenth tradition?
4. Have I had a similar experience in my own AA life?
5. What would AA be without this tradition? Where would I be?
6. Do I breach this or any of its supporting traditions in subtle, perhaps unconscious ways?
7. How can I manifest the spirit of this tradition in my personal life outside and inside AA?

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