Monday, December 21, 2009



We are all part of the One Universal Spirit. When one experiences the true meaning of spirituality, which is to know God, you will realize that It is your Self, and that It exists equally and impartially in all beings. Self has two parts;

1. Universal Self/Higher Power/God-completely detached and hidden by impurities.
2. Lower self/ego part of lower instincts and veiling the Universal Self.

Throughout all ages, the most profound impulse of the human spirit has been the longing for perfect love, understanding, joy, and completeness – for Truth It self. There is no straight pathway in this life. There are no mysteries or miracles and these illusions are caused by attachment to materialism designed by individual Ego to separate it from the Truth, that’s what we are looking for, which we already are.

Alcoholics are not honest, sincere, and truthful to their selves, how could they be that to their AA faith and others?

How rare is that person who understands his own self?

Self proclaims that I AM that inner self of you that you cannot see (or don't want to acknowledge) because of your boundaries, the barriers placed to the concept of your infinity and innocence, the pre-conceived ideas of who you think you are, the illusion you think you are that has been built up by your pre-conditioning, your genetic heritage and with everything that has happened to you since the time of your conception in your mother’s womb.

The endless search for fulfillment, for happiness, for material possessions, for partners, that you have embarked on is because of that judgment (attachment to Maya). You had that feeling and now that feeling has all of you. It is the judgment, which arose from your need to make a choice, whereas, in reality, there isn’t a choice to be made in the infinity of innocence, and the Inner Self has no free will. Free will is an invention you made in order to justify your need to choose. It is only the ego that needs a name, or needs to be named and is of many kinds.

When you look at Self, and enter into communication and union with it, many emotions, feelings, and those aspects of you that confront you are aroused, like judgment of your love or hate, accept or deny, trust or fear. The infinity of innocence does not know judgment or fear. You came here to learn the lesson of paradox, the lesson of separation from Source, God, Great Spirit, whatever you will call your Inner Self. You keep repeating your patterns because you, in your mind, judged yourself that you have not learned the lesson well enough, that you did not achieve that Wholeness within your Self. You created that separation and with the separation, all of the choices that you are faced with, all the decisions that you ‘have to make’ results in an un-understanding confusion till the individual self dies in to the Universal Self.

There is, in reality, only one choice to be made by the little you, the choice between evolution through acceptance of your innocence, and a life path through fear that moves from one crisis to another.

You forgot that your Inner Self is Love, bringing Light into Life. You forgot that you are a Spiritual being having a Human experience.

The Self (Universal Spirit) exists fully in all creatures. It is in sunset, in music, in beauty, in ugliness, and in the eyes of beholder. It is the contentment felt while gazing in to the eyes of the beloved…that fervor, that ecstasy that rapture while time is standstill. The Self is the knower, the observer, and the witness. It sees every thing and not seen by the seer. Our awareness of being is consciousness. The body has no awareness of its own if it were not pervaded by consciousness; it would be just a lump of flesh. The mind has no awareness of its own and does not even have intelligence. The mind can only think and doubt. It has beliefs, opinions, likes, dislikes but is not aware of any thing. Awareness and true intelligence exist with in the Self. The inner consciousness is aware of what mind thinks. The ego appropriates the thought to itself. The individual experiences the effects or consequences of what the mind thinks. The thought determines the experience.

The ego thinks circumstances or other people cause unhappiness. Unhappiness is due to the ignorance of our true nature, which is Self. The Self/ Metaphysical Energy/Force cannot be affected by death or by passage of time or by any other phenomenon.

The endless search for fulfillment, for happiness, for material possessions, for partners, that you have embarked on is because of that illusion. It is the judgment, which arose from your ego, whereas, in reality, the Inner Self has no free will. Free will is an invention you made in order to justify your need to choose. It is the ego that has to be concurred through the teachings of the program to get all the answers with in the self.

When you look at self, when you enter into communication and union with Self, many emotions and feelings are aroused as those aspects of you that confront you, that, like judgment of your love or hate, accept or deny, trust or fear. The infinity of innocence does not know judgment, does not know fear but you came here to learn the lesson of paradox, the lesson of separation from Source, God, Great Spirit, whatever you will call your Inner Self.

You forgot that your Inner Self is Love, bringing Light into Life. You forgot that you are a Spiritual being having a Human experience waiting to be blessed by the grace to find the source with in by becoming a better human following the teachings incorporated in BB.

Our awareness of being is consciousness. The body has no awareness of its own if it were not pervaded by consciousness; it would be just a lump of flesh. The mind has no awareness of its own and does not even have intelligence. The mind can only think and doubt. It has beliefs, opinions, likes, dislikes but is not aware of any thing. Awareness and true intelligence exist with in the Self. The inner consciousness is aware of what mind thinks. The ego appropriates the thought to itself. The individual experiences the effects or consequences of what the mind thinks. The thought determines the experience as guided by the Universal Self.

The ego thinks circumstances or that other people cause unhappiness. Unhappiness is due to the ignorance of our true nature, which is Self. The reason we cannot see or perceive its radiance is because the veil of impurities, our thinking and ego covers it. When the five senses are stilled and thinking has ceased, when the intellect does not stir, in between two thoughts than one can enjoy the tranquility of mind and reaches the highest state of spirituality.


The answers that you seek can be found when you start answering your own questions by the enlightened self through the guidance of the 12 step program. B.B. educates us into something far finer; into a selflessness which links us with all humanity. It is the quest of our self that drives us along the eternal and never-ending journey we must all make. The Self is the knower, the observer, and the witness.

Braver is he who overcomes his desires than he who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.

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