Monday, December 21, 2009



The general principles and tenets of almost all faiths, if followed honestly, truthfully in totality will lead to spiritual growth.

Over the centuries, people have asked, "Why does evil exist in this world? Why is there so much pain, so much wrong and so little right?" These questions are fundamental to the learning process, and to spiritual growth. To ask why, is the first step in conquering ignorance. What then, is evil? Evil is the condition that exists when good does nothing. Good is the light of creative action. Evil is the darkness of inaction. Where there is no good, there is only evil.

Action is the key to all existence. Without action, there is only stasis and the emptiness of nonexistence. Where there is action, there is life and creation. The most important thing to realize is that it is your actions that determine the outcome.

Your actions as an individual are important. All the things that can be thought of will never be more than a dream, unless acted upon. To end evil, you must act. To cure disease, you must act. To end starvation, you must act. It does not matter what it is - if you want change, you must act. Your words and prayers are nothing compared to the power of a single action.

It all begins with you. There are two kinds of actions you can do - right and wrong. Right action creates and wrong action destroys. The final stage of spiritual evolvement is when all your actions are right actions.

Each day, you have a chance to change the course of your life. The first step is to examine what it is that makes you the person you are. You are the sum of your actions. What were the actions you took today? Were they all right actions? The first step is to realize what actions you are taking. Each time you act, mentally analyze what type of action that was. If it is a wrong action, admit it - then say to you 'I will not do that type of action again.'

Inside each of us is a small and independent form of thought process. It's called our conscience. It's the little voice that tells you when you have been bad, and when you have been good. This part of energy of consciousness could be called soul in layman’s term. All eternal laws of Mother Nature are energy oriented. There is a constant to and fro exchange of energy with perfect accounting system in the Universe. The source of all creation is pure consciousness, which is our spiritual essence. As your conscience begins to feel more assured that you could handle the job of determining right from wrong, it will start to take over functions. It will begin to automatically eliminate wrong thoughts, which lead to wrong actions, from even being generated. You, as a person, will begin to channel your energy towards right action. One can see the consequences of his actions with his inner vision. Each thought is also a form of energy. As the spiritual growth occurs this leads one to the eternal powers of seeing with out eyes, traveling with out moving, and hearing with out ears.

This recognizing of wrong thought is only half the process. The other half is to create right thoughts where there were none before. You start by doing one good deed a day. You create the thought, recognize it as right thought, and then tell yourself to carry it out. After a time, you will begin to generate these right thoughts without a conscious effort. You will be projecting right thought out to those around you. It is the gap between two thoughts and the inner stillness that connects you to the True power/energy. This is the silence/state of SUNN, which is not easy to get in to right away. I personally cannot bring the gap in between thoughts even for few seconds.

Your right actions will be altering another being's behavior. Your actions will speak louder than any words you have ever spoken. Spontaneous right action is the right action at the right moment. Perception of Divinity in the right action makes the Unmanifest to Manifest. Any thing thus we behold comes from the unknown.

He who toils and earns and then gives away some has discovered the real way.
One should practice the law of Giving, before one can receive. The more you give, the more you will receive because you will keep the abundance of Universal energy circulating in your life. The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation, and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they do not cost you anything.

It is not an easy task, to do only right. There will be times when others will do wrong to you. You may do wrong in return to them, but the only one you have really wronged is yourself. These actions become part of you, they are you. Do right actions even to those who would do wrong to you? Do well to others with out thinking about any thing in return? There you will find the source of all right thought. There you will find the source of all life. You will have progressed spiritually.
This is the journey through the ocean of life. Realize your thoughts and take control over them. Guide your thoughts toward right thought. When you know in your heart the difference between right and wrong, you will know what needs to be changed. And with this wisdom, all becomes obtainable.
When you have the exquisite combination of total and complete acceptance at this moment with responsibility and defenselessness, you will experience life flowing with effortless ease. It is easy to make a statement but to follow it by action is difficult. Any faith with out right action is dead.

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