Monday, December 21, 2009



The basic foundation of the 12-step program lies in rigorous Honesty, which is generally lacking in the Alcoholics. It tells us that lying, cheating, and even a little bit of not giving the whole information, means that one is playing games of mind with oneself. How can one find out? This requires rigorous honesty not only with others but also with one's own self. Criticism born out of one's own projections is usually wrong.

Their wishful following the 12 steps is purely of false promise, and not of proof and performance. If their performance is good, they will achieve spiritual progress. They try to compress life and Truth in to a system of fantasy. Who could be the best Judge? One who can judge himself?

Unless one can crystallize the criticism, one should look for the mote in the eye. If one gets an urge to judge, he is not seeing in the light of God's love. It is necessary to face the people with a moral test. Which are a procedure for critical evaluation and a means of determining the presence of higher instincts with subjugation of lower instincts. Moral growth is not an endowment but it is an achievement.

The danger to the program comes from degeneration of morals, from beclouding one's mental horizon and from the atrophy of moral and spiritual nature. Individuals put their vested interest first, and truths and ideals go begging. Moral life cannot be lived in aloof. Morality is the nurse of spirituality.

Character is not given; it is to be evolved by each and all. Character is Destiny-Lack of it Doom. One should be very tolerant towards others (which is rarely found in minority alcoholics) and very good-natured he, and pleasant to be around. Sweetness and humility is the essence of merits and virtues. And one is rarely inclined to do wrongs. One should also test his thoughts. It is possible to receive suggestions from one's sub-conscious mind.

"One can only be truthful to himself, if he has truth in his heart”.

Check your thoughts. What thoughts should I expect? Am willing to write them down? It is not making one's mind blank as in meditation, but trusting God to use one's mind, thought life and imagination. Behind every general need is a particular moral need, so that a general surrender to the Higher Power will be in order.

Ask your self, why I have been thinking of absolute honesty, but not living honestly? Absolute honesty demands that one should no longer wear a mask. Sharing one's dishonesty is being honest even after it hurts. Every time, one registers aloud the new attitude, and change of heart with absolute honesty, another bridge is burnt behind him and another stake is driven in to anchor and mark one's progress. It is being honest to God, self, and other people. It is giving one's real self to another person, overcoming temptations and advising service for others.

Let one's readings in the meetings be understood and followed earnestly with total truth? What God wants me to read? Big book is all about Truth and honesty. Can one find it in him self? It is not being little pregnant. It is, either you are or not. Either you are honest or not. Simplicity is bliss. The more one gets in to the depth of spirituality, the more confusing it becomes. Keep it simple. Pray to Higher power for humility, patience, courage, faith and love. These things are not granted by Lord, but learnt if one has the will to do so. Just trust the Lord. Any kind of goodness that one tries to achieve with effort will be self-righteous. The only effort one has to put in is of daily surrender to the Will of God and daily contact with Him. One finds release not by his own efforts but by what God does for him and in him, when one opens every area of his life to Him. The quality of life is an adventure not an arrival. I always believe in quality rather quantity. Maturity and spiritual progress comes from fuller self-renunciation and surrender to His Will, which can bring one farther along the way.

All the present problems are self-inflicted in ignorance. Ignorance of reality is no excuse. The only cure is self-knowledge; by making the individual's conscious of his infinite worth to progress spiritually towards God.

Truth and rigorous honesty are the only tonics to invigorate the mind towards right thought. Truth is discovered, recognized and then lived and realized by mind. Truth is the only source of all Cosmic and mundane riches. Truth is its own reward. It builds him, who builds on it. A well-trained mind, trained to Truth concentrated on living and realizing is the need of every individual. Then alone the man is known as true, if he has truth in his heart and knows the true way of life.

For the truly faithful, no miracle is necessary, but for those who doubt, no miracle is sufficient.

Truth never gets old:

12-step program is a simple philosophy to lead an honest, truthful life of a householder.

No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.

Can Sobriety be bought? No with a big No.

Merely attending the meetings with physical presence, reading the literature or big book does not make one sober, it requires action and reflection in the way of life under the guidance of 12th step. Only those who do the real service, being thus contended and meditate on God are the truest of the true. Man himself obtains the fruit of his good and bad actions. What can be achieved by going on one’s knees, if there is filth in the mind?

When one reflects on the divine knowledge, then only one can become benefactor to others.

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