Monday, December 21, 2009


It is defined as a state of happiness with total satisfaction in one’s condition and situation in life. It is opposite of envy, avarice, ambition, anxiety, and repining, arising from inward disposition. It is the offspring of humility with rectitude of divine providence and own unworthiness.

Patience is the key to contentment. ---Mohammed

He who is not contented with what he has would not be contented with what he would like to have. ----Socrates

Health is the greatest gift, CONTENTMENT the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. ----Buddha

I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Bible, [Philippians 4:11]

Being self-content means accepting and acknowledging who you are at your core and becoming satisfied -- maybe not perfect, but satisfied -- in all areas of your life. When you learn to better understand, better appreciate and eventually love yourself, you exude a quiet confidence that will open doors to what you want in life.

 One way to develop a strong sense of self-contentment is to give you the gift of self-appreciation. Offer yourself the same respect and kindness you give to others you care deeply for. In doing so, you will feel more at peace with yourself, be strong in your convictions and easily stand up for yourself. There are three ways to support your self in becoming more confident:

1. Silence your inner critic by resisting the temptation by intentional action of unlearning by using the tools provided by 12 step program.

2. Surround your self with positive environments emotionally and physically with inspiration and enriching your life by spiritual education by attending AA meetings.

3. Acknowledge your achievements by accepting the fact that some one helped you in their achievement- a gratitude to fellowship is in order.

Contentment is accepting the fact with positive attitude. Our attitude tells the world what we expect in return. If it's a cheerful, expectant attitude, it says to everyone with whom we come in contact that we expect the best in our dealings with the world. You see, we tend to live up to our expectations. Our attitude is something we can control. We can establish our attitude each morning when we start our day--in fact, we do just that, whether or not we realize it. And the people in our family--all the people in our world--will reflect back to us the attitude we present to them. It is, then, our attitude toward life that determines life's attitude toward us. Everything we say or do will cause a corresponding effect. If we're cheerful, glad to be experiencing this miracle of life, others will reflect that good cheer back to us. We become the kind of people others enjoy being around by living the life according to the guidance given by 12 step program. 

One feels perfect bliss of life, with perfect contentment and patience as serenity and mental peace dawns. With out contentment of mind through patience and continence, no one gets satiated, and all his efforts are fruitless like the one in a dream.

The true fellow is the one, who has realized the Higher Power through prayer and meditation –step 11, and by leading a disciplined life. Such a fellow deserves all praise and is worthy of respect, who has acquired serenity and contentment.

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. It is better to want what you have than to have what you want. There is no austerity equal to a balanced mind, and there is no happiness equal to contentment; there is no disease like covetousness, and no virtue like mercy. A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world by subduing his desires. When you can think of yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear, you are near contentment.

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